Mindfully Masculine: Personal Growth and Mental Health for Men

CBD, Self-love, and Property Damage

January 08, 2024 Mindfully Masculine Media LLC | Charles & Dan Episode 113

The good, the bad, and the ugly from our move to Winter Garden. We'll regale you with the story of how a simple water spigot incident led to a campground-wide drought. Our misadventures are a testament to the chaos that ensues when time management takes a back seat – and it's a ride you won't want to miss.

Then, we swerve into the less spoken-of lanes of wellness and personal care. From the corridors of cannabinoids to the intimate truths about masturbation, we're not shying away from the conversations that might make some (mostly Charles) blush. We dissect the uses and effects of THC and CBD, unveiling their potential beyond the buzz, and dive into the health benefits of self-pleasure without the usual whispered tones. And for the gents out there, we get real about the fine line between habit and addiction concerning pornography and masturbation, stressing the importance of knowing when to seek help. It's a candid and educational foray into topics that often stay under the covers, brought into the light with care and honest dialogue.

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Good afternoon, Charles. How are you?


Good afternoon, dan. I am doing spectacular. How are you? I am well, thank you. Oh, so you and I have had such a fair amount of hijinks since we last recorded an episode A bit. We both moved from Newsmarna to Wintergarden and that was a harrowing day and night. Now we know that moving day should last two days or.


I think we would have been OK if we just started earlier on the first day. Maybe we really didn't get started until like one o'clock, yeah, I guess so. So I think next time we just start early in the day.


Yeah, but by starting that means my place has to be ready to go by the time you come over, which has a lot of work.


It really is not, dude, we were there.


It was not much work.


It was not bad at all.


I still did some stuff before you got there A little bit. But I'm telling you, when you live in that place full time, the entropy that happens on a small camper, I mean it just it is absolute chaos before I start prepping it for the move. It's a nightmare. So that's on me, though that's not, that's not you. You're probably right. If you showed up at nine o'clock in the morning and I was ready for you, then it would not have been as bad. But we do have to keep in mind the next one's going to be worse because we're going to travel a greater distance. Yeah, we might need two days for that. I think we will. Yeah, and we'll probably need more miles on the truck too, because we're going to go further. So, yeah, but it was. It was rough, we, we got. We got to the new campground, we dropped yours off, then went back for mine and forgot the sun pass on the first one. So we had to take non toll roads, which definitely added some time to the trip.


And then not driving 65, 75 miles an hour on I4. Yeah, also, it adds quite a bit of time, believe it or not? Or it seemed probably it was only a matter of a few minutes, but honestly, when it starts getting late and after you've been tired every minute, just feels like forever, absolutely, yeah.


And then we finally did get there for the last time. I want to say it was after midnight, right? Oh, it's definitely after midnight, yeah, because I think.


Yeah, I think when the incident happened around 12 31 am.


Yeah so the incident as, yeah, we were already in a suboptimal backing up the camper scenario for mine, because there was a car in front of us parked on their lot which, yeah, yeah, if it was a middle of day I would have said, hey, could you please move this, but since it was after midnight I wasn't going to do that. Not an option. So trying to angle and back up, which I'm not great. I'm OK backing up my camper, but I'm not great at it.


That's why you have a friend guiding you the whole time so that you don't make any mistakes, Right? I mean that's.


That was. Yeah, there was.


There was one part there where we we missed an obstacle and I was paying attention to a different obstacle, which is the electric box Right, completely forgot about the water spigot and sewer connection.


Yeah, sorry, I'm just messing with the lighting a little bit as we go here. Keeps turning back toward you too much and brightening your bright face a little too much. Yes, so we, we kissed the spigot and I was thinking the other day it wasn't even cool, like we, if I hit one that was going to shoot straight up in the air. That would at least look kind of cool. But yeah, I took off a spigot that was pointed directly parallel to the ground and just shot directly at my neighbor's car. Yeah, and just.


I could not believe the water pressure that was coming out of that. That was full fire hydrant.


Yeah, it was. It was hundreds of gallons of water. I'm sure we're wasted.


Went down the drain and or into the mud and the grass and all over the road. Rather, you found a drain eventually at some point, or maybe not, who knows, maybe just to ride up.


But that was very stressful, having having that disaster happen and having no one we could get on the phone until you finally got the utility company to do something about it. Yeah, and their solution was to shut down water for the entire park, so a couple hundred residents that lost their their water connection because of us and our inability to wait till the next morning which, yeah, renata specifically asked me to talk about that on the podcast. Oh, really, yeah, the part where, instead of telling me you were too tired, you were trying to be the nice guy and asked me if I was too tired and I was like no, dan, I'm not too tired, I'm ready to go. What, in fact, you were too tired to do? But you didn't want to say Charles, I'm too tired, we can't do it tonight.


That's a great point and that's one of my learning experiences from this was not to ignore my gut instinct and not to dismiss my needs. Yes, and I was absolutely.


I absolutely did 99 guys out of 100 would have done exactly what Dan did. Yeah, you would have phrased it in somehow that does make me feel better. Yeah, you would have phrased it in a way to say thanks for not Charles, are you too tired to do this?


Because if you're too tired, we don't have to. And then I didn't take your, your, your generous offer to not do it that night. I was like no, dan, I'm good, let's do it, unless you're, unless you don't want to do it. And you're like, no, no, I'm fine. Yeah and well, part of that also was.


I am gonna remember this for next time. Being in that tired state, I wasn't able to fully grasp all of the work that is involved with getting you settled at that campsite and also made some assumptions that we were gonna have plenty of room. It wasn't gonna be a tight spot. It was gonna be easy to back in and back out. We were gonna have plenty of lighting.


Yeah, when you're tired, you don't go.


We don't. I just didn't even think of any of those things. I was just thinking, well, all I need to do is get out, and I really didn't feel like it was gonna be that much more work for me other than having to drive to the spot, which was maybe another half hour from where we were at that point, which wasn't a big deal like highway. I was a happy camper, had my caffeine going, we had the headlamps and I honestly, I really didn't think of all the other things I could've gone wrong at the time.


So I Because you're tired, you don't think about those stuff, yeah, and also a sense of completion.


So I've that was what was pushing me let's just get it over with. Let's just get it done.


Me too, so I'll be in my bed and I'll sleep and everything will be fine. All those things right. Yeah, when you're tired and you're not at your best, you don't realize how tired you are and how much it's affecting you. And I used to joke about with drinking and driving. It's like when you're sober, you're like I would never drive drunk, and then when you have a couple of drinks, you're like, oh no, I wonder if I'm too drunk to drive. But then if you keep drinking, you get back to I'm fine, we could drive all night. I'm ready to I got this. I got this, no problem. And I think being tired is and they've done research on driving tired and driving drunk is kind of this You're the same thing, similar results, you know, yeah, so we yeah, we'll know next time that we we don't make the decision of am I too tired after we're already too tired instead, no don't make any big decisions.


We set cutoffs.


We're like if we're not moving the second camper, if we're not starting on moving the second camper by 6pm or 5pm or whatever it is, then we're just not going to do it.


I think the rule of thumb here, when it comes to pulling into a new spot we haven't been before, is we want some daylight. Yeah, we've got to have daylight, so that's, that's almost earlier this time of year.


This time of year, yes, now when we move in in to the West Coast in the summertime if that still turns out to be the plan then we'll have a little bit more daylight to burn. But yeah, we need to so we're definitely going to need two days.


Let's just plan on that for now on, I think, and that way we're not rushing.


Unless we're just going around the block. That's the thing you do when we do this.


You know we like to go and we'll have lunch, take our time, think through some things, and you know we'll sit there and we bullshit about everything anyway. So just like we are here.


So, speaking of which, yeah, yeah, you've got that hard, stop I got a hard stop, All right.


the good news is we can talk about CBD real quick, because I don't know man, I'm not much of a user of CBD and I've never really seen the appeal. Yeah, apparently it can have some positive impact on your pain receptors, so that if something's hurting you or bothering you, it can lessen that. And it also seems to be known for reducing inflammation which we talked about inflammation on just the last episode that anything you can do to reduce inflammation is usually a good thing, right?


Yeah, so what I mean? I learned a little bit from this chapter. Both THC and CBD are cannabinoids and they come from. So there's basically thousands of these cannabinoids that come from a plant and from hemp, and these two are just the most widely used and studied cannabinoids. I found a couple other ones that are, here and there, a little bit more studied than others CBN and CBC. So the CBN is slightly psychoactive, CBC is not psychoactive. Both of those aren't studied that much, but they are supposedly helping with similar types of things as CBD in terms of inflammation and pain.


Yeah, I've never had a condition where I thought that, okay, my next step is to try some CBD to see if this gets better. I guess maybe I'll try that out. It says if you're taking retinol or vitamin C, which I guess are some supplements that can Help with skin, yeah, and they will inflame you, apparently, or they can, so you take some CBD with that. Oh, interesting, and it's supposed to be some benefit to that. Okay, again, I've never had a problem where I felt like, oh, what this calls for is some CBD. If I do cross into one of those problems oh, one of the I remember this now and I don't know how much the CBD is a factor but I get some pretty strong, icy, hot, ben gay type of muscle stuff from my chiropractor, okay, and it had CBD in there, but I don't know if it's the menthol or the CBD or whatever that makes it feel good. Yeah, I guess you know they just put in everything, I think for marketing purposes, because everybody's talking about it.


And what I would look for is if it's a decent product, it's gonna say how much CBD is in there. It's gonna be one of the first listed ingredients versus the last listed ingredients in terms of the amount. Well, enough about that.


So try CBD if you want to. It may or may not help you with your stress, pain, sleep issues and skin, but your mileage may vary. Do your own experimentation, because I haven't.


Oh and by the way, this is for entertainment purposes only. We are not medical professionals, so anything that you're trying here.


I'm a medical professional. You can listen to me.


Well, don't listen to Charles, or?


me. We gave advice about not buying prescription eyeglasses. This is last week and this week I'm telling you.


And you edited it out because we didn't put any disclaimer, right yeah?


a little bit, but yeah, it's fine. I mean, who else are you gonna listen to? Listen? You might as well listen to us, okay, so on to bigger and better topics. Let's talk about masturbation.


Yes голос.


I don't know, man. Telling guys that they need to masturbate is like telling dogs they need to eat.


I you know, I think he was basically trying to change our mindset around masturbation rather than making it some sort of taboo thing that we shouldn't be doing. I think this chapter really highlights all the benefits of Masturbation. Yeah, so that maybe we feel a little bit less ashamed about it Well, less creepy about it.


We need to read a book about how to talk about it without feeling ashamed. Yeah, it's not amazing. Yeah, you're not alone.


Most people are not really comfortable talking about it, and I Think that's one of the things he's trying to help with, and I think that we're trying to help with as well is talking about sensitive things that Most people don't want to talk. I know I'm making it a little bit easier to talk.


I hope so. So let's talk about some of the benefits, and I don't know that these benefits, I think these all the benefits that he mentions, I feel like probably applied to males Ejaculating and not necessarily masturbation.


I Would agree with that.


Yeah. So if you're not into masturbation, Then I guess you could probably get these benefits by just having lots of sex.


I'd be curious to find out who you know, percentage wise, who's not into masturbation. I feel like it's got to be a small percentage, but we've.


We have mutual friends that we've talked to, who, yeah, men who claim they never masturbate, and Versus all the other people that we know. I approach that with the same skeptical claims that I approach Everything else that I approach. Acupuncture, yeah, and Cleanses, is like, okay, that's your story, I'll let you have it. Yeah, but yeah, I Many more of the men that I'm close enough to talk to about such things. You know we don't get into a lot of details about frequency and methodology, but I think pretty much everybody Poops and everybody masturbates, yeah.


I mean he lists things such as, you know, helping with. He says there's some studies about helping with prostate cancer, the immune system, heart health, sleeping better and even better skin.


Now, I don't want to. I don't want to know the mechanism of how it increases your skin, how makes your skin better. I don't, I don't know. I don't want to know what part B of that statement is. So yeah, um, but again, all of those, I mean I don't think your, your body or your penis care about how the ejaculation is occurring. Right to say that it's a benefit of masturbation Seems a little sketchy.


It's a benefit of ejaculation if anything. Now, here's the thing even people in healthy, loving relationships Are they actually getting enough sex to where it's Beneficial for some of these things like prostate cancer and immune system and heart health? Are people having sex that regularly, or are we talking about incorporating both masturbation and sex? I would think so because I as a total of the ejaculation number per week right.


Speaking for myself, I would say I have not been in a relationship where I was having sex so frequently that I didn't masturbate anymore. Yeah, neither of I, right. Yeah, yeah, so yeah, just because I'm with my partner and we're having sex ten times a day, that that's not nearly enough to do away with masturbation.


So we're definitely touching on masturbation here. Yeah, unintended, all right, so yeah.


And some of those benefit. The benefit to your mood is certainly through the hormones that are released when, when something that feels as nice as an orgasm happens to you. Obviously, when you're experiencing things that feel that nice, you're going to be in a better mood, and I think that's pretty intuitive, right? Hmm, now, I like that. He says it can also improve your sex life with your partner because it can make you less self-conscious. It helps you, right. Give you some knowledge about what it is that you like and what feels good.


I even recommends you using you touching different parts of your body to see what that feels like, if that's something enjoyable or pleasurable. That's not something I mean. These are some ideas I'm actually gonna try, I think next time I'm masturbating Maybe you know trying some, you know he's. The whole section is called mindful masturbation.


Yes, yeah, which is the set, which is the other name we thought about for the podcast. Decided to go with mine.


Well, if that's got about that, yeah, yeah, we're thinking about yeah. So what was interesting was he's talking about switching up position and the first thing you listen is if you usually do it standing up, try lying down. I'm like who is that a thing? Somebody always does it standing up. Oh, oh. I, yeah, I feel like that's a lot of work, man, yeah, I Kind of get weak in the knees, you know, just like I feel like there could be an accident. I get, but maybe the younger kids it's not a big of a.


I would imagine if you're a Teenager who lives at home, yeah, possibly you share a bedroom with okay, oh, all right, all right, shower might be your your only option, okay? So yeah, I'm gonna switch it up. Usually, usually I do it at home and I'm gonna try doing it Wendy's, and see if that's better.


Oh great, better than here in the studio.


Yeah, no kidding. So he does suggest, yeah, trying to change your position or your location. Yep, okay, go ahead, turn off porn. Just rely on your fantasy life, your memory, instead of having the multimedia experience that Some guys get used to. Yeah, I could see that you already mentioned touching other parts of your body. Try edging, which I I sure I guess that's fun. Yeah, where you delay the grand finale as long as you can so that it'll be even more fun. Yeah, and then use some tools and I think tool is a funny word to use there but yeah, there are, there are accessories that you could use to try to change up the way that the experience feels. And, yeah, go ahead if. If you're interested in that, I'm, I'm pretty much okay with the, the tools I was born with.


So how did you figure out that you Create this thing called semen, and it comes out of you regularly. Oh Jesus, dan, I don't want to talk about you don't want to talk about that, I'll talk about mine. So I am I.


yeah, I don't even know if I want to hear you talk about it, but go ahead.


Oh yeah, I've only had one wet dream my life. That was the first one. After that I'm like oh my god, this felt amazing. It's never. I don't think anything's ever felt as good as that. First and only wet dream I've ever had, interesting, I think. Yeah, I think I've only had one too, and I'm tempted to see how long it would take for me to have another Wow. How long do you think that would take? We should look that up.


Well, that would be interesting. I doubt there's a specific answer to I mean yeah, you can ask Bard how long it would take Dan Lippman to get it back into wet GPT, has that?


that was, I was, and I'm wondering if that because he talks about edging, making it a better and deeper orgasm I mean, that's kind of what we were just talking about is just going a really long time, and would it be that amazing? Because, who know? Yeah, I mean, we don't know how long we were creating sperm for before just came out on its own.


Yeah, that's, interesting I.




Yeah, I wonder how long it would take, because I mean, obviously, yeah, what happens is your sp. If you don't ejaculate in long enough time, your sperm, the quality and the liveliness of your sperm, yeah, falls off a cliff, yeah. And so, yeah, the wet dream is your body's way of saying, okay, these, these swimmers, they ain't, they ain't up to the task anymore. So we need to cut the dead weight loose.


Yeah, yeah. The funny thing is it was I didn't even know what masturbation was right after that, so I think I had only watched a couple of porn's here and there and they're having sex in it. So I'd never been sex with, so I would just do it on the mattress and like basically have sex on the mattress.


I'm not talking about this.


Good for you, Um you know, I mean I learned. I learned that you could use your hand eventually, but that you're just a mattress. I was a mattress humber for a little while. Yeah well, I give us somebody, I don't know, 12, 13 years old, something like that.


But yeah, I think I was right and I definitely it definitely was not most efficient or comfortable. Method. We're talking about this good for you. I've learned you're an inspiration. I mean about about talking about it, not about the actual.


Yeah, everybody does it, everybody poops.


Yeah, everybody does already jerks off. Yeah, and for those few people that we know, and I'm sure this yeah, I don't know we'll put this one out on tiktok either.


Oh, please come on.


We got to get banded again from no, because you only get a certain number of them.


Oh, really, like you're done.


Okay, yeah, youtube's the same way. If you get too many violations, they take your account away. Oh, wow, so yeah.


I guess we should look bone up and figure out what we can and cannot talk about on.


I tried to read the policy to get some. It's very nebulous. Yeah, it's like if we decide we don't like it, or if our AI specifically decides that it's not good, then and I don't even think when I appealed it that that probably saw Okay, like a real person probably didn't watch or listen to it either probably, at least not initially.


Yeah, I probably have to submit a review before someone actually puts the human eyes on it.


I would think, if, even if that yeah, I mean, and since we don't like pay to advertise on tiktok, I think and we don't have a huge following, yeah, even our appeal probably didn't see any real eyeballs, okay, so yeah but there it is, so we we finished quite a bit early. Is there anything else you want to say about you? What else could we talk?


about master be. Hmm, what do you about? What are you gonna master beat too later this afternoon.


Oh jeez.


I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to do it again after this episode oh, oh, I'm, I'm. I'm sure you'll figure out a way as as everybody else will as well.


So, yeah, I, you know one of the complaints I've had in the past about any kind of men's health, men's wellness, men's improvement. It's like everybody always has so much to say about porn and masturbation and it's like Can we just let that be people's business? But I don't know, I guess, oh, let's talk about, okay, yeah, I, he did mention in the last part of this chapter how much is too much, and I guess we should mention that.


I was actually gonna go down that road, yeah um, so the the definition of addiction that I find to be the most useful is If you're compelled to engage in an activity even though you are having escalating negative consequences, Then then you've got a problem that you need help with regardless of what that.


Thing that you're doing is or how much you're doing it. But if you're, if you're seeing consequences and the consequences keep getting more serious and you don't stop anyway, then that's probably when you know that it's too much. So I would say yeah, when, when the and he mentioned some of the consequences. For example, if you're physically hurting yourself by, you know, getting some skin irritation, for example, then that could be a clue that you're Doing too much, yep, or you're not using some sort of a substance to assist you that could make that problem go away. If you are doing it so much as interfere, interfering with your ability to do your job, that's a problem, mm-hmm, uh, if it is if you're a porn star, that could be a shoe yeah yeah, or school teacher Jesus, then, yeah, that's a problem.


Yeah, if, if your ability to maintain Sex in your relationship is becoming a problem because you never have the motivation to have sex with your partner, because you're masturbating all the time, that's a problem that you probably look at. Sure, if you're constantly thinking about when your next chance to masturbate is going to be and it's Sort of getting in the way of your ability to think about other things, that could be a problem as well.


Yeah, yeah, so or if you get an erection while going mattress shopping. You know one of those.


Yeah. So yeah, if Basically, if you're, if you're being preoccupied with either negative consequences or you just feeling bad about how much you're doing it, then that's probably something that again right.


This is. This is self care for men. This is supposed to be helping you Be, be kinder to yourself, and one of those things is the mindset. So if you're doing something that's you're ashamed of and it's making you feel bad, yeah, maybe consider doing something different or stopping doing it or, you know, get a little.


Or really open up the hood and try to figure out why it's making you feel so bad, and maybe there's some underlying dig in that you can start with the childhood.


Yeah, see what was going on there?


Yeah, any experiences, yeah, and do you have some beliefs about yourself or the world that you need to let go of because they're? They're making you be unhealthy? So yeah, I would say and look, that's. That's. Whether it's masturbation or any other issue. It's never fun. Sometimes, when you haven't gotten your oil changed in a long time, that first time you open up the hood and take out the dipstick. It's kind of scary Because you just don't know how bad things have gotten, and but it's better to. The best time to find out might be, you know, 10 years ago, the second best times this afternoon.


Yeah, While you can still do something about it right, yeah, because you don't.


You don't want your, your masturbation habits to destroy a relationship that you care about before you go get help.


Or any of those habits right Exactly. You evaluate yourself and see what not just masturbation, but anything else that is negatively affecting you know, for me it's eating at night and waking up I'm not getting good sleep.


We were talking about that today trying to brainstorm ways for you to oh yeah, some good ideas, you know, but it's, I think it's really we just need to come down to your why for it, for all those habits. It's got to be your. Your why has to be strong enough to change right. All right, it is your job at risk, your relationship at risk. Those are pretty big wise.


Yeah and yeah, and it's definitely better to go get help from somebody before it's Unhelpful, you know. So yeah, that's. I would definitely encourage everybody, all of our masturbators out there, to ask the question at least of okay Is, is this a problem, is this a concern, or is this just a manageable part of my sex life that I'm comfortable with? Mm-hmm? And if that's your answer, then Congratulations, full speed ahead. Do do what you got to do to feel good and and and to be comfortable with your body and your relationship with your partner. Go for it. But if, if you have some discomfort, some shame, some In convenience, even then it's okay to ask yourself the question of okay, do I need to? Is this something that needs some modification or some management in my life, or am I just fine with the way things are? And I think that's always a good question to ask in a lot of different areas.


I agree, so I think I've Exhausted this topic from certainly and that was one of my goals. I'm glad I've gotten a little color in your cheeks out of this episode. So this great.


It's so funny that yeah, I mean talking about this, joking about this in a non-clinical way with our friends I don't slow down for a second. I enjoy that.


Oh yeah, you're a fire.


Yeah, but man trying to talk about this in a respectful and helpful and educational way.


Oh, is that what you thought we did?


It's a trying, oh trying. I didn't say we pulled it off. Trying to. It makes me so uncomfortable. Plus, it's a stranger still we're talking to strangers. I mean, yes, are most of the people who this was podcast? Our friends, of course it also our exes. Yes, there's a couple of people. There's a couple people or so.


Better actually right Cuz yeah, we're gonna run into these people, gonna hear back his feedback.


Yeah, but there, there are there are strangers. Hopefully they can benefit from hearing Guys attempt to talk about this without shame or fear. Attempt again, attempt.


So hopefully they enjoyed this, because I certainly didn't so, speaking of which we want to clean up, the next chapter is gonna be about Showering or not taking baths instead. That should be interesting.


I'll read read some real yeah, stuff To convince me to get in the bathtub in my camper and then man, he's in Petties. Now that I can, I can roll with I like. I like getting my manicure. Oh, I'm here Not so much, but I love manicure.


I. You know what I actually like. The opposite, I love pedicures. Can you get a massage the whole, your feet, your legs?


and I love that man a little too ticklish I usually. I usually have to tell them to keep a firm hand when they're Giving me a pedicure and I have to also think about not being tickled. Okay, so it's not very. When you're having to think about not feeling tickled, that's not very relaxing. No.


I can see that, yeah, so not a fan of like foot massages either like reflexology or anything like that. Huh.


Well, foot massage is no, because of the tickly and reflexology because of the mumbo jumbo bullshit. Okay. But yeah, even pedicures I I would rather just get my clippers out and take care of my own toenails, then have somebody do it for me. That's fair. But yeah, I'm looking forward to. I mean, I'm gonna enjoy this book more now that we're back. We're past this chapter that we just covered.


Oh, don't worry, we're getting right back into it, because I think after that is all about lotion. It doesn't have to be gross. That's the chapter right after the man. He's in Petties. I'm okay.


We can talk about lotion. That's fine.


Why, what? Why is it gross? What? What's gross about lotion?


Well, I mean, we had the experience of some of the stuff we tried out that we just it didn't feel like. The residue doesn't Feel great. Sometimes it feels like oily or gummy on your skin and I think that's why they talk about it feeling gross mistakes. Yeah, with the lotion. Yeah, the high, the lower weight like Lotion stuff, the more expensive stuff some of the Stuff I've used on my face the more expensive stuff feels good where, like the cheap hand lotion you get, it always feels yeah me. So alright, let's, let's do away with this. Let's end the pain.


It sounds good Well we'll see you guys on the next episode. All right, have a good one you too. Damn Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye.

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